Sunday, April 17, 2011

Glambo's Review of WEN Haircare - Part I

Chances are, if you have fallen asleep in front of the TV recently, you have awakened to an infomercial for Wen. With celebrity endorsements and claims that Wen is 'revolutionary', the Glambo girls decided to give Wen hair care a whirl.

The premise: Shampoos contain harsh chemicals that actually strip the hair, leaving dull damaged locks behind. Wen is a 'cleansing conditioner' that doesn't strip your hair's natural oils, and supposedly, it leaves your hair 'with sheen, moisture, manageability and better color retention.'

Ordering: Better hair with just one use? We're in! Three Glambo girls agreed to try Wen, each having a different type and texture of hair. Time to order. We looked online and also called the Wen call center. Not surprisingly, they wanted credit card information to ensure auto-shipment and regular billing. Already, we are not a fan of that. The price for a 30 day supply plus 'bonus' products is $29.95. If you refuse to give your account information for future use, the price goes up to $49.95. The Wen Rep sells you on how beneficial it is to give your credit card digits 'to save money.'

It's here!: The Wen arrives, and we read the directions on our bottles more closely. We were shocked to see the amount of product advised per use: 16-24 pumps! We could feel carpal tunnel setting in just from the idea of dispensing the product. After a quick double check of the Wen website online, we confirmed the amount suggested for use. We were hoping to post a photo of what 20 pumps looks like in your hand. It's A LOT!

Question:  Are you supposed to wash and rinse your hair in cool water? Apparently, on the QVC infomercial, we are told cold water is suggested to obtain the best results. The Glambo Girls are ready to take one for the team and blog all about it. Cold water it is! All in the name of research. Brrrr!

Application: It feels like a handful of conditioner sliding through our hair. We each have long locks, and were able to use the recommended amount, but that is A LOT of product. We are wondering just how long this bottle will last because even 16 pumps looks like less than a 30 day supply. Two of the three of us committed to cold water and endured brisque showers for Wen. Not fun.

As this is probably our longest review, we broke it up into two posts. Click Glambo's Review of Wen Hair Care - Part II for our experiences with auto-shipment and to see how Wen performed daily. You won't BELIEVE our final assessment!!!


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