Monday, May 14, 2012

China Glaze Magnetix Cling On nail polish

Hey y'all! We don't usually say that word, but it just felt like a "y'all" kind of day. Our regular readers know that we are kind of obsessed with the China Glaze Magentix polishes right now. Out with the shatters and in with the magnetics!

China Glaze Magnetix Cling On

Here's another one where we weren't too sure about the color in the bottle, but loved it once it was magnetized. Truthfully, I'm not a huge fan of yellow based greens. They remind me of the pictures of nail fungus they showed us in beauty school. We've never posted a shade in this hue until now because of this. We made an exception for China Glaze's Cling On. We like the lighter frosty effect of the color against the deeper shade of the magnetic lines.

Different lighting - China Glaze Magnetix Cling On

The name may sound like a Star Trek character, yet the nail polish will become a hit of it's own thanks to the options from the China Glaze magnet. We kept an imperfect photo to show what can happen if the magnet isn't kept completely still. (I moved it to peek.) The V-shape became more of a wavy line effect on the middle finger. It looked good though, so we kept it anyway.

If you haven't purchased any China Glaze Magnetix polishes lately, you are missing out! Just one magnet, a range of colors, and you have numerous options for cool nail polish designs that are sure to get everyone's attention.

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