Monday, November 28, 2011


Hey Everyone!

If you are doing online shopping today, then you absolutely MUST use Ebates because today they are offering DOUBLE CASH BACK!!!! You'll get PAID to shop!

Ebates is a great idea every day, but today there are over 500 stores participating in Double Cash Back! Here is an example of what percentages will be included in your Big Fat Ebates Check:

Barnes & Noble 10%
The Body Shop 12%
Disney Store 8%
Gap 7%
Lowes & Home Depot 6%
JC Penny 6%
Kohls 6%
Lancome 14%
Macys 10%
Nordstrom 6%
Sephora 10%
Smashbox 12%
Walmart 2%

There are a ton of stores on Ebates - Sears, Old Navy, and virtually any major brand you can think of.

Not familiar with Ebates? It's really easy! Just sign up via the link on the top right of our site. (You'll be done in 20 seconds flat, and during that sign up process, you'll get to select a $10 gift card.) When you shop online, log on to Ebates first. Click the stores where you want to shop, and you will be taken directly to their websites. Shop away & Ebates will send you a check based upon your purchase amount and the advertised store's Ebates percentage. More details are on the Ebates website.

We Glambo Girls LOVE Ebates. If you're shopping online anyway, why not get cash back? It's CYBER MONDAY after all! If you hurry, who knows? You may even get your Big Fat Check before Christmas!

XoXo, Glambo


  1. This is such a good idea! I wish they had this in the UK :( xo

  2. EBates certainly helps with the cost of the blog. Makeup gets expensive!As for Cyber Monday, you could celebrate anyway... Just make sure you eat lots of turkey the Thursday before. ;)
