Monday, November 7, 2011

Don't it Make my Brown Eyes Blue?

So, we snagged a song title as a headline for this post. There is a doctor in Southern CA that has developed a laser that will permanently change brown eyes to a blue hue. It should be commerically available outside the United States in eighteen months and inside the U.S. in approximately three years.

The proceedure takes 20 seconds per eye and does not effect vision. Once completed, the change is permanent. The cost is expected to be around $5,000 US. See the interview from the doctor via Skype below.

Right This Minute interview
As our regular readers know, there is more than one Glambo Girl. One of us is blue-eyed, and the others are brown. All of us have reservations about making a permanent change to eye color. Unless you have been wearing blue contacts for years, we don't really see the point.

We have wondered about the side effects listed in the Latisse commercials stating that eye color can change from blue to brown. The blue eyed Glambo Girl refuses to try it because, 'with my luck, it won't be an even color change and I'll have spotted eyes!" Well, if you use this laser proceedure to change from brown to blue, it looks like you will have a gradual, uneven change of color, but it should only last for a month.

Another thing to consider (because we just have to go there) is that you wouldn't be able to keep this optional surgery a secret if you marry a blue eyed man and a have brown eyed child. If he remembers anything about high school biology, he may suspect you've been cheating! We're just saying...

Anyway, we thought this was interesting and had to share. What do you think? Would you make your brown eyes blue?

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