Monday, October 31, 2011

Glambo's OPI Pair 'em Scare 'em Giveaway Update

So, if you participated in our Halloween Giveaway, thanks again.  We were so excited to hear that our contest winner, Anutka over at Wackylaki had received the polishes and featured them in a recent blogpost (check it out for more pictures). 

After seeing her awesome pictures, we were floored! She does such a great job of showing off the polishes, pre and post-shattered,  in the light AND glowing in the dark. We were inspired to get our nails glowing for Halloween.  That Zom-Body to Love is has a powerful glow.  It can be a little freaky when we forget we are wearing it and turn the lights out only to see our disembodied fingernails floating in the dark!


  1. Thanks for featuring the manicure and again thanks for the lovely giveaway! :)
