Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Neutrogena One Step Gentle Cleanser

Glambo truly is your girlfriend’s guide to beauty. Even we Glambo Girls consult our dearest friends occasionally for beauty advice. One glamorous diva we know has sensitive skin, and is extremely diligent about her nightly routine. I have never known her to skip a night of removing her make-up, which is more than we can say (especially when we give a new mascara the ‘sleep test.’)

So, we asked this gorgeous honorary Glambo Girl, ‘What are you currently using to remove your make-up at night?’ She responded with a glowing recommendation for Neutrogena One Step Gentle Cleanser.

We bought a bottle to try and review, and we are hooked. We like that it has a pump dispenser, making it convenient to use after a long day. It cleans while removing make-up, and isn‘t too harsh or drying. The bottle states that it removes eye make-up. However, we weren’t talented enough to properly lather the eye area without getting soap in our eyes. It did remove most of our eyeliner, etc., but we still prefer to use eye make-up remover first. We agree with our friend’s overall assessment, and will continue to use it daily.

Neutrogena One Step Gentle Cleanser seems to be a good solution for all ages and skin types, and for that reason, it gets a Glambo Kiss of Approval.

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