Friday, May 13, 2011

3 Simple Steps to a Brighter Smile

If you are currently on trend wearing orange lipsticks, you may have noticed that your teeth appear a shade or two darker than usual. It’s a fact that pinker lips make teeth look whiter, while orange hues bring out yellow tones.

If you are not already doing these three things daily then it’s time to brighten up. If you need a major whitening, then we have all the info, including cost comparisons, linked at the bottom.

1) Use an electric toothbrush. If you don’t have one that emits sonic vibrations, then it’s time to invest. They have come down in price in recent years. Dentist recommend them for oral health anyway, and an added benefit is that the will help lighten your teeth after just a couple of weeks of use. (I notice the difference when I travel with an old-fashioned manual style toothbrush and can’t wait to get back home to my Sonicare.)

2) Use a whitening toothpaste. It’s worth the extra dollar per tube because using the right one really does make a difference. I’m a Crest girl, so I use Crest 3D White and give it a Glambo Kiss of Approval. (According to Crest, “New Crest 3D White Advanced Vivid Enamel Renewal Toothpaste removes up to 90% of surface stains in just 14 days while strengthening your enamel.”)

3) FLOSS! Statistics show that approximately 73% of Americans would rather go grocery shopping than floss. In fact, only 28% are estimated to floss daily. This is a mistake. Flossing is imperative for dental health, and it helps prevents stains on the teeth. Plus, it is the key to fresher breath for that pucker up smile. To make flossing easier, try Oral B Satin Floss or Glide brands.

(To the source of our statistics and other fun dental facts, click here.)

If you are considering whitening strips or a trip to the dentist for professional trays or Zoom, this article from WalletPop is a good overview of the procedures and their costs here.

Follow these tips, and you'll have a beautiful white smile to accentuate those luscious lips adorned by the perfect lipstick.

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